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AutoCount Seamless e-Filing

Incredible cost & time savings solution for businesses and accounting firm

AutoCount Seamless e-Filing recognize by ACRA & IRAS

What Is

What is AutoCount Seamless e-Filing?

CS form AutoCount Seamless e-Filing

Software that automate the preparation and filing of Form C-S and Annual Return to IRAS and ACRA.

AutoCount Seamless e-Filing|recognize by ACRA & IRAS

IRAS TIER-3 ASR+ Solution.

AutoCount Accounting Version 2 is one of the software listed on IRAS' Accounting Software Register+ ("ASR+"). Please visit IRAS corporate website's ASR+ page to ensure legitimacy.

Simplify Tax Filling|AutoCount Seamless e-Filing

Simplify the tax filing process for companies and reduces risk of making errors.

AutoCount Products with Seamless Filing

AutoCount Seamless e-Filing

Full feature and customizable accounting solution for businesses

IMDA Pre-Approved Solution

SMEs are eligible for up to 50% Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) support for the adoption of AutoCount Accounting, a Pre-Approved Solution under the IMDA SMEs Go Digital programme.

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AutoCount Seamless e-Filing

New way of accessing your accounting software where and when you need it

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To Who

How Seamless e-Filing benefit to Business

AutoCount’s digital solution for SMEs to automate the preparation and filing of statutory returns with IRAS and ACRA seamlessly.

Reduce Processing Time

Say no to time-consuming financial reporting process and double-checking on errors and ensure it fulfils authorities’ reporting requirement. With AutoCount Seamless e-Filing, timing needed for accomplishing reporting process are estimated as:

Reduce Processing Time|AutoCount Seamless e-Filing
Submission of Report
Within 5 to 10 Minutes
Tax Computation
Within 1 Minutes
Generate the XBRL, Corporate Income Tax Return (C-S), AR Return Report
Within 30 Minutes
Update and return the Tax Computation
Within 10 Minutes

The whole process can be further accelerated by reducing the need of communicating with accounting firm or secretarial firm, such as requesting support document, discussion and data editing. And for accounting posting, AutoCount Seamless e-Filing automate the process and with its simplified system greatly reduce the processing time needed for crosschecking and even data mapping.

AutoCount Seamless e-Filing

A Seamless solution for business operators to stay relevant and competitive and digitalize operations and improve productivity. According to IRAS, SMEs without digitalized solution spent up to 9 hours to manually prepare these returns and file them and heavily dependent on agencies.

Reduce Reporting Cost

A complete e-Filing solution that allow companies to save greatly and even eliminate costs on official financial reporting to the authority.

Independent from accounting service provider.
Reduce the need of acquiring accounting services from third party and relying fully on third party’s reporting procedure & reliability.
XBRL Generation.
Generate official XBRL format adopted by ACRA for financial statements reporting by companies that are required to be lodged accounts with the authority.
Error free process.
Data is generated based on initial entry eliminating the chance need of subsequent entry and errors.
UnAudited Report
Generate unAudited Report with AutoCount Seamless e-Filing such as Profit and Loss to show the company sales, expenses, and profit and Balance Sheet which specifies assets, liabilities, and equity.
Minimize secretarial Fee.
Eliminate the need of getting costly secretarial services which specialized in preparing financial reports with enhanced maneuverability and simple automated financial report processing in AutoCount Seamless e-Filing.
Save more with no Accounting Service required.
With AutoCount Seamless e-filing feature, companies can now process report to authority with ease and save more than minimum SGD 50 per month on processing fee.
AutoCount Seamless e-Filing

Designed for Managers, better management and organisational planning. Enjoy great Costs and Time saving and increase productivity! Enhance managerial process and have better cash flow planning with AutoCount Seamless e-Filing cash flow and tax compilation analysis.

CashFlow Analysis|AutoCount Seamless e-Filing
Cash Flow Analysis

Understanding on overall business performance and the exact location of cash within clicks.

Tax Compilation Analysis|AutoCount Seamless e-Filing
Tax Compilation Analysis

Generate periodically tax compilation analysis and capture the insights of tax adjustments to the accounting profit.

Paper-Less|AutoCount Seamless e-Filing

Digital process with everything stored safely in system for space saving and easy data retrieval.

Digital Analysis Report|AutoCount Seamless e-Filing
Digital Analysis Report

Overview of performance easily for further business operation analyzing and decision-making.

AutoCount Seamless e-Filing

Perfect solution for accounting firm Transform business to next level with AutoCount Seamless e-Filing, get full info on transaction scenario and minimize time professional accountants used for data entry, crosschecking, clerical process, and reporting physically to clients

Reduce Reporting Cost

A complete e-Filing solution that allow companies to save greatly and even eliminate costs on official financial reporting to the authority.

Minimize Time|AutoCount Seamless e-Filing
Minimize time-consuming data entry process.
Papaerless|AutoCount Seamless e-Filing
Say no to collection of Supporting documents with paperless process
Reduce Complicated Communication|AutoCount Seamless e-Filing
Minimize Complicated Communication with clients on transaction scenario and details.
AutoCount Seamless e-Filing
Allocate valuable accounting professionals to deliver more value to clients.
Transform Business|AutoCount Seamless e-Filing
Transform business and focus on business consultation rather than merely on data processing.
Reduce Time|AutoCount Seamless e-Filing
Reduce the time to consolidate all the transaction.

AutoCount Seamless e-Filing


Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t see your question below? Call us at (65) 6747-9790 to speak with one of our product experts.

AutoCount Seamless Plug-in consists of AR- Annual Return, Financial Statements in XBRL format, Corporate Income Tax Return (form C-S).
CRA and IRAS have combined seamless efiling solution that enables companies to generate draft submissions to ACRA and IRAS and files them directly from AutoCount accounting software. AutoCount further simplify and automate the whole filing process seamlessly, transforming reporting process to authority into an efficient, cost effective and time saving manner for SMEs and even Accounting Service Providers.
E-Submission is enabled in AutoCount Seamless Plug-in, along with payment gateway to facilitate payment of annual filing and other related fees.
At least V1.8 accounting softwate is required for this enhancement, contact AutoCount today for promo packages made specially for you.
You may contact AutoCount to add on additional Seamless Plug-in with special promo rate.
Contact AutoCount and our support will guide you through the whole application process.
Yes, AutoCount Seamless Plug-in is equipped with built in validation to ensure filing and submission comply with local requirement.